Cucumberly Neighbors

My very sad excuse for a cucumber this year… holy moly what happened here?IMG_2126 The very lovely cucumbers that our dear neighbor Becky sent over… these are real cucs!IMG_2125 What my youngest daughter did with one of the cucumbers just above (she even took the photo, she was so cute )  😉 IMG_2119 This, Mom, is a cucumber!IMG_2124

Guess I’ll try to grow them down in the garden again next year..

Thank God for great neighbors!

Enjoy everything, especially all of your homegrown cucs!



  1. My cucumber plants were completely stuck until I started applying lots of compost. And the heat has slowed production of new female flowers a bit. I have one in my front garden that looks like that. I’m guessing that it didn’t get enough water at some point and the plant cut off access to water to the fruit when it was so dry. Glad you have a neighbor who shares. I don’t have any neighbors that grow vegetable gardens.


    1. I think the water inconsistency is probably the biggest problem to Michele… I tried hard to stay with these but it only takes a few hours for the plant to dry out or be too wet and we’ve had a lot of weather to deal with this year. I’m glad I do too, neighbors who garden are awesome!


  2. It seems like cucumbers either come in like gangbusters or you get a couple. And, you’re probably doing a big favor for your neighbor by eating those delicious cukes.


    1. That’s for sure Judy! and I hope we’re helping by eating!


  3. nutsfortreasure says:

    Had my first one yesterday I planted here in NH I love cucumber sandwiches 🙂


      1. nutsfortreasure says:



  4. MIne are being pokey, too! Glad you have sharing neighbors!


    1. me too Brenda! Hope yours get better!


  5. Mine were slow to start this year but I finally have a few. Now it is becoming very hot and humid so they may slow production until the weather cools.


    1. hope things cool just a little bit for you Arthur…


  6. gardeningshoe says:

    So the supermarkets won’t be after you for a supply of perfectly proportioned identical cucs – but did ugly cuc taste OK? I have accidentally grown a very spiny variety this year – they taste fine; they’re just not pretty and hurt a bit!


    1. haven’t eaten it yet, we’re still enjoying Becky’s… we’ll give it a try in the next day or two.


  7. Funny how gardening goes (or grows!). We had a bumper crop of cukes last year and were even able to pickle more than a few jars! I think I just planted too late this year and nothing came up. How lucky for you to have neighbors who like to share! 😉 Dana


    1. Hi Dana! We are lucky, and there’s always next year for the cucumbers!


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