A Painting Story

In the beginning

there was a garage full of furniture that needed to be painted (along with 1,555,698 other things)…

Then there was paint…

and a great painter!

and wonderful helpers!

and more help…

and the great painter was very patient (as he almost always is)..

and soon there were painted furniture pieces…

strewn throughout the work area…

of many amazing colors…

and shapes and styles…

and in the end

there were nice places to have a snack..

and to relax

and to visit

And it was good.



  1. Cindy says:

    This is good inspiration as I was just asked last night by my daughter, “When are we going to paint my desk?” Hoping that the weather cooperates over the weekend.


  2. we had so much humidity this summer that it took until the end of August to have a painting day. Hope you get the desk done tomorrow Cindy!


  3. I LOVE your furniture! I am also a big fan of spray paint. As a matter of fact, I’m thinking about spray painting a dead tree next to my flower bed!


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