What We Do With (Old) Pumpkins

Get this, we bury them, strategically, around the yard and woods… We really do! We have put them into the compost before but they take a long time to break down and we’ve been known to end up with crazy pumpkin plants coming up everywhere. So, we prefer to make a sport of choosing some good growing spots and plunking them into or sometimes, onto, the ground.

I love this white pumpkin. This one wasn’t carved this year because we  didn’t get all of them carved. It’s kind of a long story that involves the emergency room and stitches. We won’t go there today.

Michael and I worked together to clear off the front steps and load the wheelbarrow… (not barrel, barrow, thank you spell check!)

Winnie was helping us, he loves to help whenever he can!

Did I mention that it’s very cold here today… 38 minus the wind chill. The wind is blowing at 30 or 40 miles per hour… it’s cold!Hence, the lovely hat and scarf  🙂
We identified a spot for the white pumpkin on the hill leading to the woods… This gets a good amount of sun in the summer and the vines will have a place to spread out.Michael just dug a little hole and buried it in..
I helped him… we are a team after all!  Now, its good to go. In the spring the vines will come and if weather conditions are good and the bee population does it’s job, we’ll have lots of pumpkins from this. It may be run over by sledders all winter, but that’s okay. I think the kid activity actually helps things grow in a weird way… it’s just good energy!And the process is repeated with the hardy mums, they’ll likely re-emerge to enjoy next year. We just look for a good spot, plunk them in and see what happens…

Spring will be here before we know it! This gives us lots to look forward to all winter..

Stay safe and warm today!

Love, Michele (and Michael)


  1. Blaire says:

    What a great idea and good use of the day, before it got too too stormy out. Are you making soup or stew for dinner now?! 🙂


    1. HI there Blaire! We wanted to get it done today!! I have turkey breast in the crock pot with cranberries, and sweet potatoes… and you? I’ll bet it’s something good!


  2. Blaire says:

    I lost power shortly after that-LOL Only had barely warm pizza that Andy brought home. Power just went back on. 🙂


  3. What a great idea! Loved seeing the picture(s) of you and Michael!


    1. I’m late catching up Joy, but better late than never… do you think the hat photo is too much? LOL, I am what I am!


      1. I love the hat photo! Made me laugh!


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