
About me…

I’m a gardener, mom of five great kids, wife of a Park Ranger , resident of Salem, Mass and a very lucky person because I enjoy all of my roles so much.

 I blog about our home garden and gardens that I visit.

Sometimes I share horticultural therapy projects here too.

My hope is that everyone who visits The Salem Garden gets a good dose of garden love! 

 Thanks for stopping by and leave a comment so I know you were here!



  1. Vera Parr Shotwell says:

    Very nice, Michelle.


  2. John Rockwell says:

    Hi Michelle! Very nice blog…do you follow the HenBlog lady?




    1. HI John! Sorry I just approved your comment now, it went into my spam folder by mistake 😦 thanks for stopping by and saying hi! I don’t follow the henblog lady but I’ll be sure to check her out!


  3. nutsfortreasure says:

    I have awarded you The Reader Appreciation Award Check out my blog for details!

    I was awarded the Reader Appreciation Award


  4. AmySue says:

    I nominated you for the Sunshine Award, congrats. You can choose to pass it on or not, your choice.


  5. florasforum says:

    Hi Michele,

    I just discovered your blog via PJ Girl’s blog and wanted to write and introduce myself! (What an awesome blog you have and let me say I, too, am currently doing student loan work. One of my daughters is a senior in high school; so I feel for you there! Ha!)

    I’m also a garden writer, and a small, independent publisher. Two years ago I started my own small garden writing magazine, Greenwoman Magazine. (I call it my labor of love–and madness. 🙂 I’m writing today because I want to connect with other like-minded garden writers and artists. I’d love to give you (and your readers) a free (pdf) sample issue of the magazine.

    The link is http://www.greenwomanmagazine.com . I hope you will sign up for the sample issue there and tell your friends about it.

    Thank you for taking the time in reading this!


    Sandra Knauf
    Editor and Publisher, Greenwoman Magazine


    1. HI Sandra! Thank you for your kind note. I just clicked through for my free sample issue of Greenwoman magazine and I’m looking forward to receiving it! My best to you as you pursue those student loans!



  6. John Pelletier says:

    Hi Michele,

    My name is John Pelletier (no relation to anybody else here in Salem!) and I am the Mass in Motion program coordinator for the city (run out of the Mayor’s office). The program is still running a bit quiet and have not officially launched yet but programs are developing nonetheless. I was talking today (and last week) with staff at the Bentley school here about their current vegetable garden and they mentioned a real interest in having chickens! Their current garden is enclosed completely by the school building (large courtyard of about 9000 sqft), and naturally limits many predators. A neighbor of the school nurse has chickens and she has access to coop plans etc. The principal and science teacher are all on board already and would be excited to make it happen. I personally have extensive vegetable experience but only passing experience with chickens (last semester of college lived with a family in NY who had 10-12 hens in a free-range setup). I was doing some basic Google searching and came upon your blog and I was wondering if you might be interested in helping Bentley as well as talking with me about any regulation issues you may have had getting yours set up/inspected. Please feel free to email me at jpelletier(at)salem.com or my personal email john.f.pelletier(at)gmail.com. I would really appreciate it!!! Thanks!



    1. HI John! thanks for your comment! I just sent you an e-mail. Michele


  7. Looks like you have a great blog. I will follow and come back for more later. anxiously waiting for your next post!


    1. Thanks for stopping by and for the follow!


  8. I sent you an email… Please reply.


  9. Kelly says:

    Your place is lush and gorgeous! I absolutely love your chicken coop (or other birds?) attached to the building by your garden. Lovely and whimsical.


    1. Thanks for your kind comment and for stopping by Kelly! Hope you come back again soon!


  10. Bushka says:

    Hi Michelle…..Thanks for popping into my blog. Brought me here…find it most interesting.
    Hopefully, will keep in touch. Hugs!


    1. Well thanks for popping over there too Bushka! I’ll be keeping an eye on your blog. It looks like you’re enjoying life and noticing interesting things!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Bushka says:

        Trying to enjoy as much…for as long as one is able to do so. Methinks, I shall ‘follow’ you….your blog, that is. 😉 Hugs!


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