What’s Happening in the Garden, and With Me –September 14, 2014



I’ll start with the garden.

That’s a good lead in to the “and with me” part. To be honest I don’t know what’s happening with me. Maybe some of you can help with that. The garden is okay in a kind of mediocre way. I’m accepting of my limitations and abilities but I have to admit that I expected more from the garden this year. Maybe it was the relatively dry weather, or my organizational skills, or all of the fun vacations.

When your a gardener you have to spend time in the garden!
DSC04737 That said we still have kale. Is it me or is this photo a bit out of focus? Sometimes I can’t tell.DSC04740 The tomatoes were actually pretty good. A little wilt but not too much and it came very late in the season. I think I want to grow more romas again next year, or maybe a variety called opalka that my friend Betsey shared with me yesterday. Their larger than roma and make a sweet, meaty sauce… I brought some home from a visit with Betsey yesterday and popped just one of them into a little pot of fresh sauce that I made for dinner from some of my tomatoes that needed to be eaten. I think there was a very big difference!DSC04742 I planted quite a bit of cauliflower but it looks like the bunnies, or maybe even deer enjoyed the flowers for us.DSC04744The marketmore cucs are done and I have to say that this variety was a success. We enjoyed lots of pickles and salads and cucumbery things… DSC04738Here’s some later planted swiss chard that just isn’t taking off…DSC04743A few candycane zinnias came up near the chicken coop door. Their cute and happy but not too prolific. DSC04745 I have one, yes one, watermelon still growing. I’m fertilizing it weekly as my neighbor suggested and hoping it makes it through the next few weeks. It’s about the size of a large honeydew melon right now.DSC04747 We had a few cantaloupes almost grow into edible fruit. This one is imploded and slightly rotted. It will be food for another project that I have going so it’s not a total loss.DSC04748 One pumpkin, yes one. This is the year of one, two or three of anything that I worked on over time.DSC04749 Of course the horseradish is happy. I don’t like horseradish but several of our friends and family members do so it will be fun to harvest it in a few weeks.DSC04750 The new little herb garden got off to a decent start. Next year we’ll hit the ground running in this area of the garden.DSC04751 I’ve got pots of potatoes growing. They haven’t flowered and have lots of foliage so I’m kind of unsure about where we’re going here. Generally they flower and then die back and you can dig out the potatoes. So I’m waiting to see what happens. I dug around a little bit the other day and I really think there are some good sized tubers in there.DSC04753 Parsley and basils need to be frozen in ice cube trays for the winter. DSC04754 The onions kind of worked out! Remember when I was inspired by Betsey and Ed and planted them back in the spring? No need to buy onions around here this winter!DSC04755Oh, and then there’s this little project. Guess what’s in the box? Here’s a hint:  It thrives on the cantaloupe.

Okay… about me.

I’m tired and busy and tired and worn out. I want to do right by my family so I took a major blogging break. I don’t think I’ve ever gone so long in between posts. It really has me wondering about what motivates me and what’s that best use of my time. Should I keep blogging? I like to blog because I love connecting with  people all over the world. I like to think that I might encourage or entertain someone somewhere. I definitely feel accountable about what I say here so it keeps me on a good path in the gardening sense and beyond.

Have any of you fellow bloggers gone through this? It’s kind of writer’s block, but almost more like a writer’s resistance. I know what I want to say. I have a long list of posts to write but I wonder about the value of it. Does it matter? Should I just garden for myself and call it a day? No one who I know personally has said a word about my absence. Maybe I shouldn’t expect that, but maybe I should use my energy for other things.

That was a pretty stream of conscious paragraph or two. Thank you, I feel better,

Pioneer Woman used to say “tap, tap… is anyone out there?” She doesn’t need to do that anymore but I guess I could…

Tap, tap… hello?

Leave me a comment or send me an e-mail. I’d entertain any constructive feedback you have to share.

Enjoy everything!

Love, Michele


  1. I’m here. LOL I always look forward to your posts but I certainly understand your questioning whether to keep writing or not. It is kind of interesting to look at the number of people signed on and the number who respond when you post. For me right now, I really enjoy hearing from those few who comment. It is a nice connection. Now when someone mentions Facebook, that’s where I’m really conflicted. Does anyone really care what the weather is doing, how many weeds I pulled, or what sewing project I’m working on? LOL You have to do what feels right for you and know that we understand. 🙂


    1. Thanks Judy, I enjoy your posts too!


  2. Totally understand! Things have just piled up with me, too! 🙂


    1. maybe it’s the end of the summer part of garden season pile up?


  3. Dawn says:

    Michele, listen to your heart. We really enjoy your posts, but we all realize just how much work goes into every blog post. Autumn days are just around the corner. Enjoy your garden in the coming weeks… and follow your heart! ♡


    1. Thanks Dawn. Ultimately I will, for now I’m just going to post when I have time and I’m moved to and not worry about it!


      1. Dawn says:

        Michele, that sounds like a win-win solution! ♡


  4. Betsey says:

    Keep blogging! I read and don’t always respond. The guinea fowl are squawking. Must be a hawk out there. When we have grown melons they are never as big as yours! Our growing season is way too short, but not as short as northern VT. They had a hard freeze, 32 degrees, last night!! How is the canning coming?? Love ya. Betsey


    1. I’m glad we don’t live in northern VT, aren’t you? LOL! Thanks Betsey, for everything, your the best! xoxo


  5. Hi Michele, I am currently going through exactly the same types of feelings and thoughts! (but my blog isn’t half as successful as yours is) I love gardening, so that is what keeps me going. And those few friends who comment in really special ways also keeps me going. So am I in it for the fame and glory??? nah, probably not. I’d like to do a good job, and be proud of my blog. I actually really like Facebook! I can throw up a picture and get ‘way more’ likes than my blog posts! 😉 You have to follow your gut. I hope your gut says to keep going, though. Your garden is amazing. It just so happens that gardens ebb and flow. Dana


  6. Hang in there, Michelle! I’ve been going through the same thing and haven’t blogged in over a month. One good thing about blogging…there are no rules. You can post when and where you feel like it. I always enjoy seeing your beautiful garden though and reading your thoughts. Brenda


    1. Your right Brenda, there are no rules, I hadn’t really thought of it like that before. We can do whatever we want!


  7. I think blogging is personal so I think we have to write for ourselves first…but to each his own. Your garden is looking nice and I love the herb garden….hang in there.


    1. Hmmm… I don’t think I really write for myself, although I do enjoy the writing a lot and theres a huge feeling of satisfaction when I hit the publish button, and I love the responses and connections a lot!! thanks for your thoughts Donna!


  8. Cindy says:

    I agree with the others…love reading your posts, but you’ve got a lot going on with your busy family. To help me manage, I get the summaries on Mondays and read once a week. I have sent many gardening friends to your blog because I find what you share to be very useful. Blog when you like. We all understand that family comes first.
    BTW: the onions look amazing! I only got one small pumpkin (and better get to my garden soon to make sure it’s still there).


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