What’s Happening In the Garden– September 30

Hey everyone! It looks like I’m a one post a week blogger at the moment. It’s fall and I’m all over the place…I know I keep saying that life is busy, but, really, it is. To add to it Halloween in Salem starts on Thursday night with our Halloween parade. I love the localness of that event. It’s really “our” Halloween as a city. From that point on we give the rest of the celebration over to the visitors. That’s fine with me, it makes money and people have a blast! Let me know if your going to be in town in October, I’d love to meet you!

Okay, so, here’s the Salem Garden this morning. IMG_3184

It’s beautiful out there today. The summer garden is winding down but the fall garden has it’s own special character and charm.

I think I said this a few weeks ago— I love these Romano beans.


The swiss chard is doing okay. I should spend some time weeding and trimming so the center leaves can produce. See my little asian cucumber hiding in the back?IMG_3173

Here it is up close, we’ve eaten some and there are several growing. Not bad for an early August afterthought. I think there will be more of these next year.


Broccoli and lettuce are perking along too. I really believe that the broccoli is all about the chicken manure… that’s it. If you don’t have some available it’s very easy to purchase. Just read the labels at your favorite garden supply store and you’ll find it easily.

IMG_3171A broccoli flower that actually looks like broccoli! Will there be more? Time will tell…

IMG_3172These need to be picked and cooked or frozen today. I wish I was a canner…IMG_3176

We have five or six happy Brussel sprout plants. My Uncle Ossie says that they sweeten up when the frost hits them.
IMG_3178What do you think about this bit of browning on the bottom of the stalk? Anyone? Miss Betsey, you may have a thought here. I’m hoping it’s okay.

IMG_3179Tomatillos… hundreds of them… salsa verde here we come!


And the leaves on the trees are just starting to turn. It’s going to be a pretty few weeks here in Salem. I hope I can share some of that with you.

So there we are. Thanks for hanging in with me and for stopping by. Let me know how your garden is growing, I love, love, love your comments!

Enjoy everything!



  1. My garden is done but my gardening is not. It has been wonderful weather to move plants around and think about next year. We really have had beautiful fall weather and it is great for enjoying the outside. Happy harvesting.


    1. It has been beautiful weather Judy, and it looks like it’s continuing this week! Happy Harvesting to you too!!


  2. Lisa Rishel says:

    Loved the pics! I don’t like brussel sprouts but your photos were wonderful! The weeds overtook my garden and I threw in the white flag a few weeks ago.


    1. Thanks Room! You might like the Brussel sprouts if you roast them with olive oil and sea salt or steam and serve with a little walnut butter? There’s some nice recipes out there that really make them yummy. Your garden was wonderful this year, and it will be back before you know it!


  3. nutsfortreasure says:

    Love Salem on Halloween favorite place to go and watch all the wildness 🙂

    Just heard there maybe a problem as government shut down though I do not see what that has to do with Salem maybe national park areas 🙂 hoping to go this year too I seem to come on dump a bunch and another week passes for me as well


  4. My Romano green beans that never bloomed all summer long finally started producing 4 weeks ago. Now my bean teepee is covered with beans, but not enough to can, so I am leaving them all on the vines to collect for seeds. I think these definitely need to be a late mid-summer sowing next year to follow up when the cucumber plants start to die off.

    I must try brussel sprouts, too. My broccoli and all of my cabbage crops have been devastated by caterpillars. I just gave up trying to control them. Oh, but my Swiss chard is gorgeous! Glad you found time for a garden post. I must get mine done before frost hits.

    Enjoy the fall, Michele!


    1. I wonder what’s up with the romano beans? Maybe I should wait to plant them next year until August again…sorry about your cabbages. My broccoli is still looking great today. I’m really surprised by that. Hope you enjoy too!!


      1. You should see my kale bed — looks like lace. I am thinking about how to create a covered raised bed for growing brassicas. I have so many slugs, was hit by grasshoppers, then the moth larvae — oh those little guys did so much damage. I am seriously thinking about using Bt to deal with the hungry buggers. Even with failures I learn more about gardening every year, and that is valuable to me.


      2. There’s got to be a good way to deal with that. Covering seems like it might help. Michael and I put beer out for the slugs, or we salt them and they dissolve. Haven’t had a problem with grasshoppers (yet)… 😦


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